Why "Talk About Dead"?
Well, I've heard talk about life for many years. I've even participated in that
discourse. But I haven't seen much improvement in life for all of the talk. So,
I'm thinking... if we talk about being dead, we might gain a better
understanding of life. Maybe, even improve it a little.
Now, what kind of dead do I know about? Not the paranormal kind, nor the
religious kind, but the kind of death that I experienced when I had my sudden
cardiac arrest in 2008. That was REAL death, and nobody's kidding anybody, here.
You may be a skeptic, a psychic, or a religious follower who believes it is
your duty to question people like me. Well, you are all welcome here but my
'special' reader is that person who has personally experienced death and has
come back from it, to live a second life, after the first. It may not be a long
one, though. There are no guarantees.
It may also be a friend of that person who had a cardiac arrest, and now has
taken on the responsibility of looking after the survivor.
Death by cardiac arrest is known to me. Death from other causes is not, but
regardless of the cause, death is Death. There is only one kind.
In the blog articles to come, I will be talking about various topics such as
coma, "quality of life", "brain dead", "persistent vegetative state", etc. These
are states of ill-health that are being used to justify the termination of
medical treatment. In some cases, death really had been interrupted and the
person is being "kept alive" artificially. In many other cases, that person is
very much alive, and isn't so easy to kill.
While often referred to as "pulling the plug", simply turning off a person's
ventilator doesn't always result in death. Sometimes, death follows in a matter
of hours or even minutes. Too many times, however, after that plug is pulled,
food, water and medication are withheld until the patient starves to death -
something that can take weeks. The institution of medicine becoming a "killing
state" is not very appealing to me. I believe it can happen if there are enough
who want to end peoples' lives for financial or social reasons.
That's why "Talk About Dead" is now a blog. I am not going to accommodate those who might think that this is a public forum, or an opportunity to make
themselves known. It is neither. Rather, it is an expression of my feelings and
experiences following my own sudden death. Also, by way of interviews and reader comments, it may be somewhat interactive. I hope that it encourages many to talk aloud about death and not be shy about it. Talking about death does not cause death, but not talking about it opens the door to social changes that may allow unnecessary deaths.
I will post articles and links to others' work on this subject, as I find them.
Don't expect it to be unbiased. I am very biased about this. I am a believer in
mercy and compassion, but I am very much against euthanasia for anyone's profit or convenience. That is just plain murder.
Finally, I will discuss the spiritual experience I had while being dead. Yes, I say, now, that I KNOW there is a God. Believe what you will. I do not expect, nor require, that anyone else will believe what I believe.